Technical management
When you buy an apartment, retail premises or office space, you not only want your investment to be preserved but also to start generating additional revenue. Various rules and regulations make it obligatory for the property administrator to conclude a number of contracts for tasks such as the statutory periodic inspection of the lifts, the inspection of heating installations, the inspection of electrical installations, etc. in order to ensure that these installations are always in a good state of repair and do not present any safety risks for residents or visitors to the building.
Otherwise it is only logical that cleaning will be carried out on a weekly basis, the bins will be put out and that the entrance hall and stairwell will be freshened up on a regular basis.
However as a professional property administrator, we go one step further and draw up a long-term schedule for renovations and improvements. This investment list will be presented to the general meeting for discussion and approval and then a feasible financial savings and implementation plan will be worked out.
This service includes
Maintenance and repairs
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Administrative management
Administrative management is one of the main responsibilities of the property manager. Syncura therefore resolutely opts for a digital portal. A web portal per co-owner with all relevant information can be consulted free of charge for every co-owner.
Find out moreContract management
By bundling purchases and making the right goals with suppliers, Syncura realizes sharper prices for the VME along with improved quality. This is only interesting for each party if clear agreements are made in advance. The syndic is ideally placed for this.
Find out moreFinancial management
Transparent, clear and correct financial management of your ACO is the basis for efficient cooperation. Drawing up a budget, requesting advances, collecting arrears and setting up a reserve capital are just a few of the obligations that the property manager must meticulously fulfill
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