Who is Syncura?
For the founding of Syncura we go back in time, namely in 1989 in Oudenaarde. Syncura was then founded by Johan Van de Moortel and Luc Vander Meeren.
Syncura has specialized in co-ownership management from the start. Thanks to our many years of experience, our qualified employees and our broad portfolio (residential, commercial and healthcare real estate), we can call ourselves the market leader in syndic in Belgium.
More than 30 years later, Syncura has 18 offices spread across Flanders and Brussels and the Syncura team consists of more than 130 employees. But we don't stop here. Standing still is not in Syncura's dictionary. As a company in full expansion, with our open-minded vision on efficient management, we want to change and modernize the market of syndic/property management for good.
VM Vastgoedbeheer BV (Syncura) is accredited by the Association of Estate Agents (Beroepsinstituut voor Vastgoedmakelaars): BIV 200957. Civil liability insurance & Third fund guarantee : SA AXA Belgium with insurance number 730.390.160.